Accessibility information
This page contains accessibility information about the game Igor. While Igor is
inherently a graphical game that requires a certain level of control, it is
meant mostly as an excersize for the mind instead of the body. This means that
it will not be possible to let everyone enjoy the game (sad as that may be) but
it also means that a wider range of people can enjoy the game with only a little
bit of extra help. This page aims to provide that little bit of extra help.
If you have any comments about the information presented here, or have
suggestions on how to improve it, feel free to contact
us. So far, two pieces of information are presented here:
- An overview of the menu system in the game with more easily accessible
textual information (for screenreaders) than is contained in the help that
comes with the game.
- Information on the cast of characters with the same textual information
as is available in the game (in graphical form).
Menu system
Main menu
![[Main menu]](gfx/mainmenu.jpg)
The main menu contains the following options (in order from top to bottom):
- New player
Click here to create a new player. Igor will ask you for a name in the
statusbar near the bottom of the screen. Once created, the player will be
selected automatically.
- Delete player
Click here to delete the currently selected player. Igor will ask you if you
are sure in the statusbar near the bottom of the screen. Once deleted, there
is no way to undo it, so be careful!
- Player statistics
Clicking here will take you to the statistics screen. It shows you a lot of
information about the current player's progress. You can also see your progress
in collecting puzzlepieces for the Time Machine here.
- (gap)
At this point in the list, there is a small gap before the next option appears.
- Load other levels
Clicking on this option will pop up a dialog asking you for another file with Igor levels (called a levelset). If you cancel you will be returned to your current levelset. Note that each levelset has its own player list so progress can be tracked for each levelset separately.
- Skip level
Clicking on this option will skip the current level. Normally all levels should be played in order, since they will get more difficult. However, sometimes you are hopelessly stuck and then you can skip a level. Note that at most 3 levels can be skipped at any time. To skip another you have to solve one of the skipped levels first.
- Play level
Click here to play the currently selected level. A valid player must be selected first. You can also replay levels you have already solved to see if you can improve your performance.
The default shortcut key for this option is F10. If this key does not work, you can reconfigure it by using the 'Configure Igor' option.
- Load savegame
Click here to load the prevously saved game for this player and levelset. Note that each player can have only one savegame, so you will not be asked for a filename. Saving a game can be done by simply pressing the 'S' key while playing.
The default shortcut key for this option is F9. If this key does not work, you can reconfigure it by using the 'Configure Igor' option.
- (gap)
At this point in the list, there is a small gap before the next option appears.
- Play recording
Click here to play a recording of your choice. Igor will show a file dialog which allows you to choose which recording to play. You can make your own recordings by pressing 'R' while playing.
- Cast of characters
Click here to find out more information about all the objects that are in the game to make your life miserable...
- (gap)
At this point in the list, there is a small gap before the next option appears.
- Level editor
Click here to start the level editor to make your own levels!
- Configure Igor
Click here to configure the game. Options like sound volume, screen resolution, etc. can be set here.
- Credits
Click here to find out who contributed to the game. These are the people you have to thank, or curse, for the game.
- (gap)
At this point in the list, there is a small gap before the next option appears.
- Exit
Click here to exit the game. Probably never happens, since you'll fall asleep exhausted while playing, and then continue again when you wake up.
Some additional important areas in the main menu are:
- Status bar (near the bottom of the screen)
This area shows important messages. Also, for certain questions you will have to type the answer here (for example, new player names).
- Block arrows (to the left of the player and level lists)
These arrows allow you to scroll through the player and level lists. If you click
on the arrow pointing right in the level list, it will start to play the currently
selected level. To scroll through the level list more easily, you can use the
PageUp and PageDown keys. If these do not work, you can reconfigure them by using
the 'Configure Igor' option.
- Quick statistics (on the right half of the screen, just above the player list)
This area shows a few of the most important statistics for the currently selected player. The first time is the time it took the player to finish all levels the first time, the second time is the total time played.
Configuration screen
![[Configure Igor menu]](gfx/config.jpg)
When you click on the 'Configure Igor' option in the main menu, a new screen
will appear. This allows you to set many options to configure Igor to your
liking. The screen contains the following options (in order from top to bottom):
- Configure keys
This option allows you to reconfigure the (shortcut) keys used for most functions,
so that they are where you find them convenient or logical. Once you click on the
option, you will be asked to press (and release) a key for each of the following
functions in turn. The default or recommended key is listed between parenthesis.
Note that the 'pause' key that is present on most keyboards cannot be used for
any function (there's a long and boring technical explanation for this).
- Left (Arrow left)
- Up (Arrow up)
- Right (Arrow right)
- Down (Arrow down)
- Escape/cancel (ESC)
- Action key (Space)
- Make recording (R)
- Pause game (P)
- Save game (S)
- Decrease visible size (-)
- Increase visible size (+)
- Default visible size (*)
- Decrease game speed ([)
- Increase game speed (])
- Default game speed (=)
- Left mouse button emulation (F2)
- Right mouse button emulation (F4)
- Middle mouse button emulation (F3)
- Speedbutton previous level (PgUp)
- Speedbutton next level (PgDn)
- Speedbutton load savegame (F9)
- Speedbutton start selected level (F10)
Each time you press a key, the message will change in something saying 'Thanks,
you can release the key again', and when you do that, the next key will be
asked. Once you have configured all keys it will tell you 'all in-game keys
configured'. From that point, you can configure other options or click on 'OK'
to save the configuration and return to the main menu.
- Joystick
This controls whether the joystick functionality is disabled (default) or
enabled. If you do not use a joystick it's recommended to keep this disabled
to avoid interference. Clicking on this option will toggle between disabled
and enabled.
- Sound volume
This setting controls the relative sound volume of the sound effects in the
game. Clicking on this option will allow you to change it by entering
a value from 0 (off) to 100 (maximum).
- CD-audio
This opion is used to determine how you want your music played. The options
are 'normal', 'shuffle' and 'off'. Igor uses your CD-ROM drive to play audio.
You can insert any audio-CD of your choice and let Igor play it. Switch this
option to 'off' if you don't want any music played, or you get short pauses
in the game when Igor switches to a new track (this happens with some drives).
- Gamespeed (Hz)
This setting determines how fast the game should be running. Normal speed is
50Hz, and valid values are 10 through 200. If you make this value lower, the
game will run slower. This may be especially useful for those people who find
it difficult to react to events and time certain manouvers properly on the
default speed. Although it will make the game a little bit easier, the focus
is really on thinking about how to solve a level, rather than 'blasting your
way through' so lowering the speed will never be considered cheating. Of course
if you want more of a challenge instead of less, you can also increase the
speed. Note you can also change the speed of the game while you are playing by
using the '[' and ']' keys (see 'Configure keys' option).
- Display hints
This option controls when and how often to show the hidden 'hints' that are
placed in some levels. Clicking this option will cycle between 'always', 'once'
and 'never'. Note that some levels contain hints that are pretty useful, so
the 'never' option isn't really recommended. Normally hints will be shown
'always', which means every time you activate the hint it will pop up. When
you choose 'once', hints will only be shown once during each 'session'. So
if you restart a level it will show the hints again, but if you are still
playing the same level, you will not get bothered repeatedly.
- Screen resolution
This setting determines the resolution that Igor runs at. Available options
depend on your graphics card and monitor, but generally range from 640x480
to 1600x1200. By default, Igor will try to determine what resolution is best
for your computer. If you change the option, the autodetection will be
disabled and Igor will be forced to run at the selected resolution. If you
choose a resolution that isn't supported by your graphics card or screen, it
may cause a blank or distorted screen when you start the game. In this case,
use the 'Safe mode Igor' icon in the start menu to restore proper settings
(see the help-files included with the game for more details).
Because modern graphics cards and monitors come in great varieties and have
lots of configurable options, it's hard to predict what you will see exactly
when changing the resolution. Please refer to the documentation for your
graphics card and/or monitor for more information.
- Visible size
This setting indicates the size of the screen that is used to display the
level while you are playing. Normally this should be kept on 'largest' for
best quality. Only with severe performance problems it may be useful to set
this lower, although decreasing the screen resolution first, is recommended.
Available options here are 'smallest', 'small', 'medium' and 'largest'.
- Fast navigation
The game has some nice transitions between screens, and by default gives you
a countdown of three seconds before starting a level. If you don't like this,
you can set this option to skip the transitions, or skip most delays.
Available options are 'normal', 'skip transitions', and 'skip most delays'.
- Automatic level exit
This option controls whether the game will automatically return to the main
menu after a level is finished (either by going through the exit or dying).
By default it will do just that, but you can also set it to wait for the
escape key. This allows you to see what else happens in the level. It may
sometimes give you a clue for solving the level, or it can just be fun to
watch the enemies running around, etc.
- Language
This option controls which language is used to display the user-interface.
Options depend on which version of Igor you are running, as not all languages
were available originally. Clicking on the option will cycle between the
supported languages. The setting will be activated after you click 'OK' to
save the options.
- Sensitivity mouse in game
This option controls how sensitive the mouse is for moving Igor in the game.
By default this option is set to zero to disable mouse control of Igor in the
game. It is mainly intended for people who have limited capabilities to use
the keyboard or a joystick. A higher value means you have to move the mouse
further before Igor will actually move. The value is measured in pixels,
suggested value is 16 and maximum is 128.
- Lag mouse in game
This option controls how slow the mouse responds for moving Igor in the game.
By default this option is set to zero to disable mouse control of Igor in the
game. It is mainly intended for people who have limited capabilities to use
the keyboard or a joystick. A lower value means the mouse must be moved more
quickly to make Igor move. The value is measured in frames, suggested value is
16 and maximum is 64.
- (gap)
At this point in the list, there is a small gap before the next option appears.
- OK (save)
Click here to save all options and return to the main menu. All changes will
be activated immediately, except for changes to screen resolution (which
requires restarting the game).
- Cancel
Click here to discard any changes you made to the options and return to the
main menu.
Cast of Characters
![[Igor]](gfx/cast/0001_igor.gif) |
This is Igor, the character the player controls. Your objective is to collect
a number of Datapods, destroy all Guardians and connect enough Power sockets
in each level. Only then Igor can leave through the Exit and extract the
information in the Datapods to create a part of the Time Machine.
![[Pudding]](gfx/cast/0002_pudding.gif) |
Like Igor's control circuits, most of the interior of the alien artifact has
mutated into Pudding. Igor can remove it by walking over it (he likes Pudding!),
or by pressing the ACTION key and moving in a direction simultaneously. Pudding
does not do anything by itself, other than be there and keep other objects
from falling down.
![[Datapod]](gfx/cast/0003_datapod.gif) |
This object is called a Datapod. The design of the Time Machine has been
mutated, divided and protected. The result is that it is split up into a large
number of Datapods of information. On every level, you should collect a certain
amount of them (see bottom right of the gamescreen), to be able to finish it
and eventually build your very own Time Machine. You can pick them up by
walking over them, or by pressing the ACTION key, and moving in a direction
![[Marble]](gfx/cast/0004_marble.gif) |
This object is called a Marble. Nobody knows how these
Earthly things have ended up in the alien device, but
here they are, and in great numbers unfortunately.
Marbles will always fall downwards if they can. They
can also roll off other objects. If Igor gets hit by
one, it will crush him and he explodes. You can also
push Marbles left or right, but only one at a time
(i.e. there must be at least one empty space next to
it on the other side).
![[Exit]](gfx/cast/0005_exit.gif) |
This is the Exit. Walk into it to finish a level. This
only works if you have collected enough Datapods, have
connected the required number of Power sockets and
destroyed all Guardians on the level. The Exit can
be destroyed, so be careful with it (though a level may
have more than one Exit).
![[Explosion]](gfx/cast/0006_explosion.gif) |
When something in the game is destroyed, it will usually
result in a big Explosion since the alien artefact is
very unstable. Make sure you don't touch an explosion,
or you'll catch fire too!
![[One-way pipe]](gfx/cast/0007_pipe1.gif) |
This is a Pipe. If Igor enters it, he will come out at
the other end. Of course he can only pass through if the
destination end is not blocked. There are a lot of different
Pipes. Some will only allow passage in one direction (which
you can see by the arrow drawn on top), others in multiple
directions. If a number is visible on the Pipe, it means
Igor has to sacrifice that number of Datapods to crack
its entrycode, every time he wants to pass through! There
are also rumors that some Pipes are designed to twist the
gravitational fields, so that passing through a Pipe may
cause gravity to be turned on or off!
![[]](gfx/cast/0008_pipe3.gif) |
Another example of a Pipe (see above). It's also a one-way Pipe,
but this one has two separate entry and exit points. The colored
arrows indicate how Igor can travel through.
![[Four-way pipe]](gfx/cast/0009_pipe4.gif) |
This is a Four way pipe. Igor can pass through both
horizontally and vertically, provided the destination end is
not blocked. Igor can't go around the corner in this Pipe,
only straight through. If there is a number visible on the
Pipe, it means Igor has to sacrifice that number of Datapods
to crack its entrycode, every time he wants to pass through!
There are also rumors that some Pipes are designed to twist
the gravitational fields, so that passing through a Pipe may
cause gravity to be turned on or off!
![[Rotate pipe]](gfx/cast/0010_piper.gif) |
This is a special Four way pipe, since it will always move
Igor around the corner. Igor will always turn right inside
this Pipe. If the destination end is blocked, Igor will not
enter the pipe. There is also a Rotate pipe that goes the
other way around. You can tell them apart by the direction of
the arrow on it. If there is a number visible on the Pipe, it
means Igor has to sacrifice that number of Datapods to
crack its entrycode, every time he wants to pass through!
There are also rumors that some Pipes are designed to twist
the gravitational fields, so that passing through a Pipe may
cause gravity to be turned on or off!
![[Orange dynamite]](gfx/cast/0011_ordyn.gif) |
Orange dynamite will explode when something falls on top
of it, or when it falls itself. You can push it left or
right, just like Marbles. There are also rumors of
Orange dynamite that is filled with helium, and will
fall upwards!
![[Red dynamite]](gfx/cast/0012_reddyn.gif) |
Red dynamite can be picked up by Igor (just like Datapods), and then dropped
somewhere else. Note the Red dynamite does not have a horizontal band over it
like Orange dynamite. The absence of this band indicates you can pick it up.)
To drop one, press, and hold the ACTION key for a while. As soon as the
Red dynamite is dropped, you should run away, since it will
explode shortly after you drop it. Of course you can only use
Red dynamite if you have one or more with you.
![[Yellow dynamite]](gfx/cast/0013_yeldyn.gif) |
Yellow dynamite can be pushed around in all directions, and
will never fall. The number on the dynamite corresponds with
a number on a Terminal. All Yellow dynamite with a certain
number will explode when you touch a Terminal with the same
number, since a signal is transmitted from the Terminal to
that Yellow dynamite instantaneously.
![[Terminal]](gfx/cast/0014_terminal.gif) |
This is a Terminal. When you press against it (try to move
into it) it will send out a signal to all Yellow dynamite
with the same number, causing the dynamite to explode. Make
sure all bundles of Yellow dynamite are in the positions
where you want them to explode before touching a Terminal.
![[Wall]](gfx/cast/0015_wall.gif) |
This is a Standard wall. There is no way to
pass through it, or destroy it. Round objects
(like Datapods) will not roll off.
![[Help Wall]](gfx/cast/0016_helpwall.gif) |
This functions exactly the same as a Standard wall, but is
mostly used to show you that there is a helpfile (a hint)
hidden inside. If you try to walk into it, you should see a
textbox pop up. Keep in mind that these helpfiles can also
be hidden at any other place in the level, and that a level
can be designed to have Help walls without hints.
![[Round Wall]](gfx/cast/0017_roundwall.gif) |
This is another Wall. It can not be destroyed or moved.
Round objects, like Datapods, will roll off if possible
(if there is no object to it's side, and diagonally down).
There are various Rounded walls that only have one or two
round sides. It just means objects will only roll off in
that/those direction(s).
![[Weak wall]](gfx/cast/0018_weakwall.gif) |
This is another Wall. It has the same functions as the
Standard wall, only this one can be destroyed. If it's
caught in an Explosion, it will be destroyed, leaving an
empty space where you can pass through.
![[Razor CD]](gfx/cast/0019_razorcd.gif) |
This is one of your enemies. If you touch it, or it touches
you (or a Copy of Igor), you explode. The only way to get rid
of it is to let it explode (drop an object on top of it, or
catch it in another Explosion). Razor CDs are not very
clever, and always try to turn right and follow the Walls.
Beware, there are rumours of a second type, which looks
exactly the same, but always tries to turn left!
![[Mutated byte]](gfx/cast/0020_mutatedbyte.gif) |
This is also an enemy. It has the same behaviour as any
Razor CD, but if a Mutated byte explodes, the information
that is released causes up to nine (not eight? No, I told you
it was mutated) Datapods to appear, which you can pick up when
they've fully formed.
![[Door]](gfx/cast/0021_door.gif) |
This is a Door. You can only pass through if you have a
Key of the same color (there are bronze, silver and gold
Doors and Keys). If you have the correct Key,
and try to walk into the Door, it will open up for you.
![[Key]](gfx/cast/0022_key.gif) |
This is a Key. You'll need it to be able to open Doors.
Every color Key has it's own Door (bronze, silver and
gold). You can have more than one Key of the same color
in your posession at any time, so pick them up when you can.
![[Whirlpool]](gfx/cast/0023_whirlpool.gif) |
This is a Whirlpool. If you try to move onto it, you will
be sucked down. The only way to pass safely over a Whirlpool
is to wait until it's inactive. An inactive Whirlpool looks
just like normal Pudding, and will activate after a short
random period of time.
![[Stairs]](gfx/cast/0024_stairs.gif) |
These are Stairs. Only Igor can use them, and they'll
keep Igor from falling down in a gravity environment.
They can be destroyed by Explosions.
![[Floating marble]](gfx/cast/0025_fmarble.gif) |
A Floating marble is very much like a normal Marble,
only because this one is lighter, it will only fall
down when gravity is on. Igor can always push it
horizontally, and if gravity is off also vertically.
![[Balloon]](gfx/cast/0026_balloon.gif) |
A Balloon will float upwards when possible. It contains
hydrogen, so if it hits an explodable object (Igor,
enemies, Orange dynamite, etc.) while moving it will
explode. Balloons can also be pushed aside, like
![[Water]](gfx/cast/0027_water.gif) |
Igor will only be allowed to travel through three tiles
(maximum) of Water before he must breathe again. Stay
under Water too long and Igor will rust, and explode. If
an Explosion occurs, the Water will evaporate. Tissues
will absorb Water too, and with Oxygen bottles Igor can
stay under Water longer.
![[Tissue]](gfx/cast/0028_tissue.gif) |
Igor can push Tissues around, just like Orange dynamite.
If a Tissue falls over Water, it absorbs all the Water,
and will disappear with it.
![[Oxygen bottle]](gfx/cast/0029_oxygen.gif) |
Oxygen bottles will allow Igor to stay under Water
a while longer than normally. Igor can collect as many
Oxygen bottles as he wants before using them. If Igor
runs out of air before surfacing, he will rust and
![[Hamburger]](gfx/cast/0030_hamburger.gif) |
Picking up a Hamburger gives Igor extra energy. For a
short while, he will move at twice the normal speed. To
see how much time is left, look at the status display
at the bottom of the game-screen.
![[Hidden passage]](gfx/cast/0031_hp.gif) |
This looks just like a Standard wall, but it's really a
secret passage. If you look carefully, you'll see it's just
a little darker than a real Wall. All objects in the game
will treat this as a Standard wall, only Igor can pass
through. If you are on a Hidden passage tile, other
objects will see it's open, so you can still be killed by
direct contact with falling objects or enemies (just
like on any other tile).
![[Expanding wall]](gfx/cast/0032_expandwall.gif) |
Expanding walls will try to extend themselves. There are
two types: horizontal and vertical ones. After a short delay,
the wall will see if it can expand. If nothing is blocking
it's way it will expand. Expanding walls are indestructable,
so make sure you don't need to be on the other side after
it has expanded.
![[Elastic wall]](gfx/cast/0033_elasticwall.gif) |
This Elastic wall is made of a very elastic, but strong
substance. It will continue to shrink, until nothing is
left, unless it's being held back by an Elastic stopper.
![[Elastic stopper]](gfx/cast/0034_elasticstop.gif) |
This is a Wall that can be destroyed by Explosions.
The only other special effect it has, is that it
will hold on to any Elastic walls attached to it, so
they will not shrink.
![[Teleporter]](gfx/cast/0035_teleport.gif) |
This is a Teleporter. It will teleport any moving object
to another location. Its destination is always the same, and
may be (but does not have to be!) indicated by a receiving
Teleporter, or a Teleporter destination for a one-way
Teleporter. Teleporters will not function when the
destination is occupied. To get them to function again,
the object on the Teleporter has to be moved off first.
![[Teleporter destination]](gfx/cast/0036_teleportdest.gif) |
This is a Teleporter destination. It does not perform any
function, but is sometimes used to indicate the destination of
a one-way Teleporter. These destinations are optional and
can also be present where no accompanying Teleporter is
![[Magic Wall]](gfx/cast/0037_magicwall.gif) |
A Magic wall still contains the mutating power of the
alien artefact. It will transform Marbles to Steel
blocks, Steel blocks to Datapods, and Datapods to
Marbles. It will only operate on objects that are
directly above it. The objects will then fall 'through'
the Magic wall if the tile underneath it is empty.
While falling the object is converted. The Magic wall
can be destroyed by Explosions.
![[Replicator]](gfx/cast/0038_replicator.gif) |
This nifty piece of equipment replicates Datapods,
Marbles and Steel blocks. As soon as one of these lies
on top of it, and either the left or the right side next
to the Replicator is empty, it will read the object
(swallow it) and spit it out to the free side. As soon as
possible, it will also spit out a replicated copy of the
object (to the left or right, depending on the first free
![[Lift]](gfx/cast/0039_lift.gif) |
This Lift will move up and down and can't be destroyed.
If there is one object on top which can be moved, it will
be pushed up (when the Lift moves up.) If the Lift goes
down, the object may fall down again. Igor and enemies
are not affected by the Lift.
![[Photon]](gfx/cast/0040_photon.gif) |
Really, this is what a Photon looks like in close-up.
Well, at least the mutated Photons that happen to be
in the alien artefact. Photons will always move
straight ahead, unless they bounce off Mirrors.
Photons do not harm you if THEY run into YOU, but
only if YOU run into THEM!
![[Mirror]](gfx/cast/0041_mirror.gif) |
This Mirror will deflect Photons. If a Photon
hits the Mirror, it will bounce off, as if it was a
lightray hitting a Mirror (well, actually, it is).
![[Rotator mirror]](gfx/cast/0042_rotatormirror.gif) |
This Rotator mirror will deflect Photons, much like a
Rotate pipe functions for Igor. The Photons that hit
the Rotator mirror, will bounce off in another direction.
![[Direction Mirror]](gfx/cast/0043_directionmirror.gif) |
This Direction mirror will deflect Photons in a specific
direction (to where the arrow points).
![[Fixed mirror]](gfx/cast/0044_fixedmirror.gif) |
Exactly as the normal Mirror, but this one can't be
pushed by Igor. Notice the yellow 'caps' on the ends of the mirror that
hold it in place.
![[Diamond]](gfx/cast/0045_diamond.gif) |
The Diamond is such a valuable item, that whenever you find
one (pick one up), all enemies are stunned for a little while.
They will remain where they are, but they will still be
dangerous, so avoid them, and make sure you're not near one
when they start moving again.
![[Gift]](gfx/cast/0046_gift.gif) |
A Gift contains a Datapod inside. To get it out, drop
something on it (for example a Datapod). The Gift will
then explode to reveal the Datapod.
![[Steel block]](gfx/cast/0047_steelblock.gif) |
A Steel block can be pushed, and will fall down if
possible. It's square, so other objects will not roll
off, and the Steel block itself will also not roll.
It can be destroyed by Explosions.
![[Radioactive]](gfx/cast/0048_radioactive.gif) |
If Igor picks up Radioactive barrels, he will get sick. If
he has picked up more than three he will explode due to the
radiation, unless he has used some Medicine.
![[Medicine]](gfx/cast/0049_medicine.gif) |
If Igor has picked up any Radioactive barrels, he can
use this Medicine to counter the effects. If he is
not poisoned he will not use the Medicine, so don't
worry about picking up too much of it.
![[Orange dynamite]](gfx/cast/0050_orangedynamite.gif) |
This type of Orange dynamite is very much like the
normal Orange dynamite, but this one is filled with
helium, and will 'fall' upwards instead of downwards.
![[Logfile (once)]](gfx/cast/0051_logfile1.gif) |
When you are on this object, you can save your progress
(normally, you can use the 'S' key to save). Once it's
used, it will disappear. If you are killed and you saved
here, you can continue here later (by loading the game
from the main menu).
![[Logfile (always)]](gfx/cast/0052_logfileinf.gif) |
When you are on this object, you can save your progress,
just like the Logfile (once). However, this one will
remain available after it's used.
![[Lightbulb]](gfx/cast/0053_lightbulb.gif) |
If the level is dark, a Lightbulb will light up a 3x3
area of objects around it to help you find your way.
Handle with care, because it can be destroyed.
![[Light switch]](gfx/cast/0054_lightswitch.gif) |
If Igor presses against a Light switch, the light for the
entire level is switched on or off. The Lightbulbs are not
affected. If you look at the object, you can see a small
line to its left side. This line (red and/or green) determines
the positions the switch can be in. Some switches can only be
used to turn off the light, others only to turn in on, and
still others to turn the light both off and on.
![[Conveyor belt]](gfx/cast/0055_conveyor.gif) |
The Conveyor belt moves all movable objects (except Igor
and enemies) to the left or to the right if possible.
![[Power socket]](gfx/cast/0056_powersocket.gif) |
The Exit which Igor must go through at the end of a
level is powered by a special mutated energy. This power
is generated by Power sources, but only when they are
on a Power socket. On each level there is a set number
(which can be zero) of Power sockets that must be
connected to open the Exit.
![[Power source]](gfx/cast/0057_powersource.gif) |
These Power sources must be placed in (on) Power sockets,
in order for them to generate the power for the Exit to
open. Be careful, because these Power sources can be
destroyed, and if you lose too many there might not be
enough left to cover all Power sockets needed!
![[Igor block]](gfx/cast/0058_igorblock.gif) |
Igor can't move over tiles where this symbol is
displayed. This can be very annoying, since other
objects and enemies CAN move over it as if it wasn't
![[Superglue]](gfx/cast/0059_superglue.gif) |
How this entered the alien artefact, nobody knows, but it's
the most powerful Superglue in the universe (really!) Once
something gets caught in it, it stays in. Only Igor is
strong enough to escape from it. He can also push other
objects out of it.
![[Copy of Igor]](gfx/cast/0060_copyofigor.gif) |
This is a Copy of Igor. You have to protect it at all cost.
If one of these explodes, the real Igor will explode too.
It will explode if something falls on top, an enemy touches
it (if that enemy can also destroy Igor) or if an Explosion
occurs in the same square. It can't be moved.
![[Gray hole]](gfx/cast/0061_grayhole.gif) |
If an object enters a Gray hole, it will be torn apart by
the local gravity forces, and disappear with an Explosion.
Nothing will be left afterwards (the Gray hole itself will
collaps into itself too).
![[Black hole]](gfx/cast/0062_blackhole.gif) |
Just like a Gray hole, objects entering it will be torn
apart, resulting in an Explosion, but the Black hole will
stay there to destroy more objects if they pass over it.
![[CD press]](gfx/cast/0063_cdpress.gif) |
CD presses are very dangerous. They generate new Razor
CDs. After a set delay (can be different for every well),
the CD press produces a new Razor CD to bother you. There
is only one way to stop it: block it by placing an object
(Datapod, Dynamite, even Igor) in front. When the object
is removed the CD press will continue it's work where it left
off. There are three different CD presses: one that generates
left-turning CDs, one for right-turning ones, and one for
random CDs.
![[Diet pill]](gfx/cast/0064_dietpill.gif) |
Once Igor picks up one of these, he will be forced to
undergo a strict diet. He will not be able to pick up or
eat other things (like Datapods and Pudding) for a
short while. It can be helpful sometimes... Really...
![[Proximity mine]](gfx/cast/0065_proximitymine.gif) |
This Proximity mine will explode when any moving object
comes within a 1-tile range (i.e. when it's moving next
to the Proximity mine.) You can still 'eat' things
that are next to a Proximity mine (with ACTION+direction),
since they are not moving when you do that.
![[Poisoned pudding]](gfx/cast/0066_poisonedpudding.gif) |
Poisoned pudding looks like normal Pudding, only
the green color indicates something is wrong with it.
Igor will refuse to eat it, so the only way to get
rid of Poisoned pudding is to let Poison dogs
eat it (they are unaffected by it).
![[Poison dog]](gfx/cast/0067_poisondog.gif) |
Poison dogs are not very intelligent by themselves
(the only thing more stupid than this is a Photon),
but they are the only beings that are immune to the
poisoning effects of Poisoned pudding. They will move
left and right, and fall down if they can. If a
Poison dog encounters Poisoned pudding, it will eat
it away. Poisoned dogs will not kill Igor unless he
tries to move into them.
![[Egg]](gfx/cast/0068_egg.gif) |
Eggs can be pushed left and right, and will fall
down and roll off other objects if possible. They
are very fragile objects, so when you try to push
them when they can not be pushed, they will turn to
dust. (And if you wondered whether the chicken or
the Egg was first, here is your answer, or have you
seen a chicken in the game?)
![[Ghost]](gfx/cast/0069_ghost.gif) |
Ghosts are evil creatures. They like the dark, and when it's
dark they rest comfortably (don't move). But when the light is
turned on, they are stressed, and get angry at Igor for
turning the light on. In the light they can see Igor, and
head straight for him. Their nature allows them to move over
most things Igor can eat or move. Stay away from them, and
try to keep the lights off!
![[Firefly]](gfx/cast/0070_firefly.gif) |
A Firefly is an extremely annoying enemy. This one also
behaves like any regular Razor CD, so as usual, if you
touch it, or it touches you, you will be killed. But if you
try to kill this enemy, the heat of the resulting Explosion
will be used by the Firefly to replicate itself. Instead
of just one Firefly, there will be nine! The best way to
deal with these, is to avoid them at all cost.
![[Flipflop circuit]](gfx/cast/0071_flipflop.gif) |
A Flipflop circuit always moves straight ahead, until it
can't move any further. It will then turn right (or left,
depending on the type). Since the Flipflop circuit
requires two clock cycles to operate, it will 'sleep' a
while after every move it makes.
![[Shark]](gfx/cast/0072_shark.gif) |
A Shark is similar to the Razor CD, only this one
will only move through water.
![[Marble golem]](gfx/cast/0073_marblegolem.gif) |
A Marble golem is similar to the Razor CD, only when
this enemy explodes, it changes into Marbles.
![[Mixer]](gfx/cast/0074_mixer.gif) |
This enemy creates Pudding tiles while it moves.
You can use this to your advantage!
![[Guardian]](gfx/cast/0075_guardian.gif) |
Guardians are here to protect the data integrity of the
alien artefact. They will prevent the theft of any
Datapods, so Igor will have to eliminate them all
before the Exit will open.
![[Blue tunnel]](gfx/cast/0076_bluetunnel.gif) |
This is just background decoration. In some situations
it can mean something, but usually it doesn't. It has
no effect on Igor, enemies or other objects (as
opposed to Red tunnels.)
![[Red tunnel]](gfx/cast/0077_redtunnel.gif) |
When you are inside a square with a Red tunnel,
you can't move across the red lines in this square
in order to get out. However, nothing stops you from
moving over red lines in neighboring squares. Be
careful, since this means that sometimes you can move
into a Red tunnel, but not out anymore! Other objects
(and enemies) can freely pass through the Red tunnels
as if they aren't there.
![[Sticky floor]](gfx/cast/0078_stickyfloor.gif) |
Sticky floors make Igor move at only 1/2 speed. All other
objects move at normal speed, so be careful that you are not
being chased by an enemy when you move here, or that you have
enough room to escape.